News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Journo-terrorism: NYT calls for online trolls to sabotage’s revenues
The journo-terrorists are hard at work at the NYT, where the discredited “fake news” publisher is now openly calling for online trolls to sabotage’s revenues in order to shut down the site. “One article, ‘How to Destroy the Business Model of Breitbart and Fake News’ … celebrates the flagging effort of anonymous Twitter trolls […]
By Mike Adams
Evidence points to Ft. Lauderdale shooter being “Jason Bourned” with mind altering psychiatric drugs and ISIS video indoctrination by U.S. intelligence operatives
Content outdated and removed. #OutdatedRemoved
By Mike Adams
Washington Post, NYT, CNN, MSNBC incited kidnapping, torture and scalping of white special needs boy in disgusting racial hate crime… “journo-terrorism” now a clear and present danger to America
By now, you’ve no doubt heard about the four black teens in Chicago who kidnapped, bound, tortured, scalped and beat a young white “special needs” boy on a Facebook live video feed, all while shouting anti-Trump and racist hate slogans that will turn your stomach. “Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped […]
By Mike Adams
Washington Post can’t stop faking the news: U.S. electrical grid “penetration” story a complete fabrication
In a desperate effort to discredit Donald Trump and create mass hysteria across America’s gullible left, the Washington Post has, for the last several months, deliberately engaged in a shameless campaign of fabricating fake news stories. Even as each story is proven to be based on pure fiction, the Washington Post rolls out yet more […]
By Mike Adams
Obama trying to start WWIII before Jan. 20; feds “probe” Drudge Report with DDoS attack; NaturalNews and InfoWars targeted for cyber attack take downs
Excuse the brevity of this entry, but there’s not enough time to detail all the evil that’s unfolding right now. Suffice it to say that Obama is right now attempting to start a raging war before he leaves office. There are two types of attempts he’s making: 1) War with Russia, and 2) War against […]
By Mike Adams
Leftist “tolerance” on display as unhinged liberals call for genocide against whites and attacks on conservative “cripples”
As the unhinged political left continues to unravel into what can only be called sociopathic mental illness, I thought it might be educational to bring you four recent, shocking episodes of left-wing “tolerance” on display. As you review these, remember that “tolerance” of the left is selectively applied only to those who agree with every […]
By Mike Adams
Electoral voters now subjected to brutal wave of death threats and intimidation psyops… “faithless” votes being coerced to throw the election
If a thug points a gun to your head, hands you a piece of paper, and says, “Sign this contract,” is the contract legally binding? Of course it isn’t. It was coerced under the threat of violence, and no court in the nation would uphold the contract as legally binding. Yet right now, electoral voters […]
By Mike Adams
The next American Civil War begins on January 20… Second Amendment patriots may be called on to defend the Republic against left-wing terrorists
The anti-American, communist-leaning website is openly organizing a popular uprising against the legitimate new administration of the United States of America. January 20, 2017 — Inauguration Day — is being targeted as a day for people to “block, obstruct, disrupt, and do whatever they can to prevent the onslaught that is going to happen […]
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